Route map

Route map
Route map 2008-2014

Riding days

Riding days


My friend Michelle Hardiman and myself did an interview on Dave Fanning's show on 2FM on Sunday 24th May: here's the link.

Quite a few photos from our trip feature in Ed Austin's (2014) new World Touring Bicycles Guide. This comprehensive guide is a great resource for anyone looking for technical info on the current range of touring bikes that are available. It's unpublished as yet but available via a link on Crazyguyonabike website.

An article in the French paper, La Concorde, about our trip appeared in the edition 20th-26th December 2013 :

An article written by Turkish journalist, Asli Oktener Kose, appeared on the T24 Turkish news website October 2013:

'Life on a bicycle', Resurgence and Ecologist, Issue 277, March/April 2013 (pay-per-view unfortunately)

'Indonesia's Sumatran Tiger threatened by development of last jungle strongholds' , The Ecologist, September 2012

In April 2012 Amaya Williams (from interviewed Julian and Ellie in Bangkok for her half-hour Touring Talk podcast.  Listen to the interview here (streaming), or download the podcast.

Amaya also wrote a short review of The Slow Way Home blog for her website, Go Bicycle Touring.

The Peter McVerry Trust have a short piece about the trip on their website.

Julian was a guestblogger on in September 2010, writing a post Cycling in Colombia.

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